reuben moss /works/ deathmatch
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deathmatch mar 16 - Image, C/ Encarnacion Gonzalez 8, Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain
deathmatch mar 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
deathmatch mar 16 - Sample Video
deathmatch: war of attrition between two artificial intelligences
Two computers control two game characters or bots within a specifically modified game. The two bots fight in an always ever-changing,
never ending duel which was processed and displayed on two screens live in the space.
This work is a software modification or "mod" of a community produced game urban terror which was in turn a "mod" of the hugely popular
1998 game Quake 3. All on-screen information like health levels and cross hairs as well as team colours were removed. The rules were
set so that no side would ever win and the game would run indefinitely.