reuben moss /works/Property is Theft!
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barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
barricade> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
Untitled> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
Untitled> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
Untitled> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
Untitled> nov 17 - Image, The Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand
Property is Theft! 2017
was a site specific installation consisting of two parts; a barricade, constructed with paving stones removed without permission
from public spaces in the area surrounding the gallery space and a sound work, made by boarding up the windows opposite the barricade
with 9 mm ply board, and intermittently resonating the boarded windows with amplified sine waves tuned to the natural resonant frequencies
of the boarded windows. The resulting sound reached 90 -dB the maximum sustained volume allowed in the municipal zone. The barricade was
built and located according to the “safe” load-bearing capacity of the building, it weighed 3.5 tonnes.
Recording of sound available here