reuben moss /works/running round

      Name                                  Created            Description
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running round performance> jun 08 - Image, former Chief Post Office building, Dunedin, New Zealand
running round installation> jun 08 - Image, former Chief Post Office building, Dunedin, New Zealand Running Around June 08 Running Around was a performance which took place in June 2008 at the Chief Post Office Building in Dunedin New Zealand. A person was asked to run around the perimeter of the building, a photo of the action was placed into an unused notice board at the buildings front entrance. The Chief Post Office was opened in 1937, as part of the socially oriented reforms in New Zealand following the Great Depression and was rendered redundant after the neo-liberal reforms of the Labour government in 1986 (See "Of Two Buildings and the Space Between" Scope magazine 2008), the building was vacated and gutted in 1998 following a failed deal with the Dunedin City Council.